


In order to understand the unique characteristics of Adaptogens, knowledge and experience must go hand in hand. One is not complete without other. Knowledge without experience is blind. In this book I want to deliver both the experience of these wonders of nature and the knowledge to understand how and why they work.

You don’t need to understand Adaptogens in order to experience them. The effects of these super Adaptogens are clearly noticeable even within the first few weeks. The results they produce speak for themselves. After you experience their extraordinary benefits, it’s natural to want an explanation of how and why they work.

In this present age of science and technology we need to understand how everything works before we can value it and include it as a part of our modern life. This even applies to the things that have consistently demonstrated that they produce valuable results. We must verify them scientifically before we can accept them into our modern life. But as we penetrated the deeper truths about these remedies, we realized that strictly scientific explanations are insufficient to unlock the mystery of how they work.

We honor the universe and it’s inherent ability to provide everything that is required for life to sustain itself. Our goal is to regain the paradise nature has always intended. The universe/ nature supports all forms of life and natural resources in balance with one another.


Definition of Adaptogen

Adaptogens must:

1. Be innocuous and cause minimal side effects in the physiological functions of an organism

2. Have non-specific action of immune enhancement

3. Have a normalizing action on various bodily functions irrespective of the direction of the pathological state


Adaptogens uniquely decrease and / or increase various biological functions as the body requires in order to optimize physiological functions. This bi-directional function of Adaptogens has no equivalent in conventional medicine. If you are lacking energy, Adaptogens will increase your energy level. If you are hyperactive, they will produce a calming effect. If your blood sugar level is too high, an Adaptogen will lower it. If the blood sugar is too low, the same herb will raise it. Adaptogens enhance all of our natural systems allowing them to come into proper homeostatic balance.

Keep in mind that Adaptogens don’t directly provide a cure, but empower your body with the capacity to produce the cure through your own natural biological functions. Adaptogens either stimulate or directly assist your body to produce an appropriate remedy when it’s needed, where it’s needed and in the quantities needed.

Adaptogens assist the body to adapt to stress by normalizing our physiological functions thereby allowing our natural internal processes to achieve homeostasis ( natural equilibrium) and , in doing so, allow the body to produce its own balanced cure. Homeostasis is the natural tendency of the body to adjust in a manner that maintains a state of overall balance or equilibrium. During this homeostasis condition the body can perform with maximum efficiency. Every system works in a natural state of Harmony and Balance whenever homeostasis occurs. In this way the body can holistically adapt to internal and external stress factors without negative side effects. Adaptogens help us to respond to stress by inducing a heightened state of nonspecific resistance that produces normalizing effects on every system in our body.

Adaptogens respect and work with the body’s innate intelligence and natural balance rather than command the body to do as we wish. Adaptogens wake up the natural self-healing potential of our body and work with all the systems within our body to creat homeostatic efficiency.

Adaptogens differ greatly in their chemical makeup and in the way they work not only from one another, but from all other forms of ingested foods and herbs. Different Adaptogens work in different ways, but, what they have in common is their ability to assist the body to naturally come into balance, and through the balance, the body cures itself.

Healthy people who eat well, exercise regularly, live right, and may even make a substantial commitment to good health such meditation, yoga etc. are still subject to excessive stresses beyond their control. These stresses gradually weaken the body’s natural equilibrium and eventually create a negative impact on our health. The normal aging process itself decreases our body’s natural ability to fight stress. Adaptogens can reverse the negative impact of stress and aging , thus providing a more productive and promising future for everyone.

History of Adaptogen

A wide variety of Adaptogens have been used for centuries throughout every part of the world. They are central elements in ancient wisdom and a keystone of traditional systems of medicine.

The term “Adaptogen” and it’s scientific explanation was first introduced to the Western World vis Russia. In 1947, Russian scientist, Dr. Nikolai V. Lazarev first coined the term “Adaptogen.” The root word “Adapt” was used because of their unique ability to assist our bodies to adapt to stress. Dr. Lazarev’s student , Israel I. Brekhman, a medical doctor and renowned research pharmacologist provided a definition of Adaptogens in 1958, that is still widely used today.

It’s now a well-known fact that Russian Olympic athletes, cosmonauts and the Soviet Party elite were using Adaptogens to enhance their performance. The Russian research programs into Adaptogens was spurred by their desire to excel and became a well- guarded secret until mid 1960’s when the USSR decided to export their abundant herbal remedies to the rest of the world . The identification and study of Adaptogens was a major focus of Russian biomedical research scientists for several decades from the early 1960’s to the mid 1980’s.

How Adaptogens work and what they do

Adaptogens act at both the physical level and at the level of information,organization, and communication to normalize physiological functions and bring the body into homeostasis.

A. The Biophysical Level

1. Adaptogens support the immune system by countering immune cell depletion, increasing the production of specialized cells as the T cells, boosting the activity of immune system, as well as increased immunity as a result of their non specific reduction of stress.

2. Adaptogens maintain cellular integrity that supports energy production ( Krebs cycle) to maintain our strength and the proper cellular functioning of essential vital systems such as our enzymes

3. Adaptogens improve cardiovascular health to supply all the cells throughout our bodies with adequate nutrition and oxygen

4. Adaptogens contain specific phytochemicals that contain or induce the synthesis of biological compounds, which directly affect the structure and function of proteins, amino acids, enzymes and other essential bio chemical building blocks. These have synergetic effect that helps to explain the wide range of health benefits of Adaptogens


2. The level of organization, Information, communication & Natural Intelligence

Adaptogens are botanicals that carry the creative energy derived from light within their phytochemicals. These light messengers carry the memory of adaptation that assisted that plant to adapt to the extreme swings of environment. The adaptive mechanisms were inherent in the memory chip that is carried by the Adaptogens in their phytochemicals. This provides Adaptogens with extraordinary natural intelligence through they promote homeostasis to bring the entire body into balance and adapt to stress. Through intercellular communications they arrive at an intuitive understanding of what a particular person needs, where they need it, and in what quantities they need it to achieve balance. They then assist the body to carry out the operations needed to normalize functions that will bring us back into balance.

Cellular Fraction – Line Technology (CFL)


Freeze drying became well known near the end of WWII when it was used to transport blood plasma to soldiers on the front lines. When snake venom is collected to make anti-venom it is freeze-dried.

The product is dried while it remains frozen. Sublimation removes water and only water.  None of the natural chemical compounds that comprise the color, taste and health benefits are removed.




The science behind CFL Freeze Drying is the same as conventional freeze drying – preserve the product by removing the water via “sublimation”.  The difference, however,  lies in the technology and process that we employ.


The biggest challenge of conventional freeze drying functional super foods and nutraceuticals is the high cost of machinery, high operational costs (very high energy usage) and small quantities produced.  These factors combine to make conventional freeze drying slow and expensive.


The machine is complicated and took years to develop, but the concepts are simple and easy to understand.


In conventional freeze drying the product is laid out on trays and the trays are placed on racks inside the product chamber.  The exposed surface area (the drying surface) is limited, and only a small quantity of raw material can be processed.


In our process the product is not sitting motionless on trays, but is flying around inside the product chamber in a vortex.  This dramatically increases the exposed surface area which, in turn, increases the rate of heat exchangeallowing larger quantities to be dried faster.


While our process increases quantity and efficiency (expressed in lower costs) we also increase the quality.  In the case of conventional freeze drying the dried product must be mechanically ground into a fine powder.  This grinding process can develop heat (due to friction) and hemorrhages the cell structure to produce solid particles with flat surfaces and sharp corners. With Cellular Fraction-Line Technology, the motion of the deeply frozen particles along with the sublimation of the ice structure that holds the particles together results in a fine powder without mechanical grinding. The resulting porous particle structure is more bio-active (better preserved natural ingredients) and more bio-available (more easily absorbed and metabolized).



Increased bio-activity from preservation of cellular integrity (no mechanical grinding)

Increased bio-availability (natural micronization=smaller particle size)

Porous particle structure increased surface area per unit of weight (see photo above)

 Consistent drying at lower temperatures

Sublimation and micronization accomplished in a one-step process=faster production time.

Finished powder with exceptionally low moisture levels (better preserved)


Dr. Mujibur Rahman MD

Cardiologist and Alternative Doctor



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