Are you overweight?


1. Are you overweight?

2. Do your bowels not move once a day regularly?

3. Do you have any form of indigestion, heartburn, abdominal cramps or pains, flatulence, or diarrhea?

4. Do you suffer from rashes or other forms of skin irritation?

5. Are you tired or sluggish?

6. Do you have a first morning urine pH less than five?

7. Are you subject to headaches?

8. Are you on any medications, prescription or otherwise?

9. Do you have allergies that are bad enough to take medicines?

10. Have you been diagnosed with a disease?


If you answer yes to any of these questions, I recommend this detox program for two weeks.

You need the following supplies:

1. my recommended medicinal honey or Honey Zider

2. A good supply of organic/ Natural lemons.

3. Cayenne pepper

4.Iodoral Iodine 12.5 mg ( can get from i-Herb).

5. Herbal laxative tea and

6. A good probiotic. Delpro or Pro-Bio Gold

7. Organic Coffee and Enema set.

8. My recommended coconut oil and Baking Soda

Once you get the supplies, you are ready to go. Here’s what you do.

To one liter water after reverse osmosis add 4 tablespoons fresh lemon, 4 tablespoons of honey or honey Zider and 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper. Once it is mixed , you can keep it to room temperature. Drink a small glass( 100ml) of this mixture every hour. You shouldn’t be hungry. Remember, this is your food for two weeks. If hungry, take 2- 4 tablespoon of my recommended coconut oil daily.

Every evening, about 6 pm , have a cup of Matcha Green tea. And during the day, can drink mint tea if you want. Also take one Iodoral tablet every day for your metabolism.

Next, you need to do my recommended coconut oil pulling every day and brush your teeth with coconut oil and baking soda toothpaste.


Next, you need to do coffee enema two times daily. In the morning(better after toilet) and then in the afternoon. If sleep problem, then can do earlier.


How to do coffee enema, you can find the video in my YouTube channel or Facebook page.

Or Here’s how you do it.

1. Drop 3 tablespoons of organic ground coffee in one liter of pure water.

2. Let the solution boil for 3 minutes and then simmer for 15 minutes.

3. Strain the solution, put in a glass container, and let cool to body temperature.

4. It is best to use hard surface like floor than a bed. Place a towel beneath you, and lay on your right side with your legs curled up towards your chest. Adjust height so that the solution runs in slowly enough so that it is comfortable.

5. Continue to lay on your right side. Retain the solution for at least 8 minutes( 8-15 minutes), and then release it in the toilet.

6. If at first you find that you can’t retain the entire one liter, retain 700ml.

During these two weeks, no need to do HIIT. Just can do breathing exercise, yoga or walk or swimming but not in chlorinated water.


                                          Dr. Mujibur Rahman
                                  Cardiologist and Alternative Doctor




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