Avoid all man made foods including sugar, vegetable oils and also beans, peanuts, dairy products, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, meats.

1.400mg of Artichoke leaf extract: 400mg 3 times a day after meal. Need to take 4 to 6 weeks. Can buy from Nature’ Way

2.Adaptogen HB-07 1 tablespoon with 1 teaspoon Medicinal Coconut oil one time on an empty stomach ( available in Vantage Natural Health Clinic)

3. Medicinal Coconut oil 3 to 5 tablespoons daily in any way. Vintage Natural Health Center) Artichoke must be combined with the Anti-yeast Candida albicans program.

4. Anti- yeast program: 1. Adaptogen HB-21: 1/2 teaspoon + 1 teaspoon medicinal coconut oil in 50ml water, two times on an empty stomach in the morning and evening

2.Papaya Leaf Powder: 1 teaspoon Papaya leaf + 1 teaspoon Coconut oil in 50ml water 30min. Before each meal

3. Nystatin:1 tab 4 times for 3 weeks

4. Good probiotics: a. Homemade Kefir/ Yoghurt from fresh organic grass-fed milk, not from the shop as it is already pasteurized and homogenized. b. Del. www.delimmune.com; 3 capsules 2 times daily 1 hour after meal Or Pro-Bio Gold from Kirkman labs: 4 capsules two times daily one hour after meal c. Saccharomycin bullardi for Candida: 1 capsule, two times daily one hour after meal. It must be taken with other probiotics. Can buy: www.cytoplan.co.uk Pls, note that all these measurements will have no value if not follow other fundamental guidelines of a healthy lifestyle. Most important is here: stress management, exercise, little fasting, and good sleep which activate your unique healing system.


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