The production technology of Adaptogens



 The production technology of Adaptogens

Cellular Fraction-Line Technology (CFL) :  CFL is an evolutionary and transitional premium freeze dry process developed by Thai Freeze Dry.   Water is removed in the form of vapor in a high pressure vacuum.  By the process of “sublimation” the water in vapor (gas) form moves into a condensing chamber where it moves into its solid form – ice.  The product, fully dried without exposure to heat, retains all the nutrients, enzymes, essential oils, color, fragrance, and flavor of the fresh plant as it grows in nature in a stable dry powder.   Only water is removed in this process.   When moisture is provided the product re-hydrates to include the complete package that nature has formulated.

CFL activated herbal powders do not require refrigeration or preservatives.  The removal of water effectively preserves the botanical since in the absence of water activity the enzymes and microorganisms that degrade the product are ineffective.  

CFL results in culinary herbal powders with higher bio-activity as well as higher bioavailability and solubility.   It is important to understand that CFL, while it maintains the plant’s biochemical components, at the same time, sustains the cellular and molecular complexity of the plants as they grow in nature including the subtle mechanisms operating with intelligence through patters of association and encoded information. It is this holistic approach that makes these herbal culinary powders as strong and effective as they are.

CFL naturally concentrates the biochemical compounds expressed in the nutritional/medicinal value, flavor, color, and fragrance nature provides in its fresh botanicals.   Most culinary herbs have a high water content.  Bitter Melon and Cilantro are approximately 94% water.  From 100 kg of fresh raw material we expect only 6 kg of dried powder. By simply removing the water the product is concentrated between 16- 17 times.   Many others herbs are in the area of 85% water, concentrated 6-7 times.  When we remove the water leaving everything else in tact you have a product that is highly concentrated.  Only a very small quantity is required.  When we look at the cost of the quantity required the expense is not only worthwhile, but affordable. 

Dr. Mujibur Rahman M.D

Cardiologist and Alternative Doctor



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